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Cancelling a booking (for guests)

How to cancel your upcoming booking

Corina Best avatar
Written by Corina Best
Updated over 2 years ago

If you have a confirmed booking, you can follow these steps to cancel it...

  1. Select the booking you want to cancel

  2. Review the cancellation policy

  3. Select Cancel Booking

  4. Review the refund details (if applicable)

  5. Choose a cancellation reason

  6. Select Yes, Cancel It

Refunds will be calculated based on the listing's cancellation policy. If you're eligible for a refund, the money will be transferred back to the credit card you paid with. Allow a few days for the refund to be processed by your bank. If you used a Gift Voucher, that value will be credited back to the original voucher code instantly.

Please note that the Riparide service fee is non-refundable for cancelled bookings. Service fees allow us to keep the Riparide platform running so we can keep inspiring you guys to live more fulfilled lives.  

For cancellations due to Covid-19, please refer to our Covid-19 Policy for customers

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