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NSW Code of Conduct for guests & hosts
Nate Sampimon avatar
Written by Nate Sampimon
Updated over 2 years ago

Customers who book a stay in NSW must make themselves aware of the NSW Code of Conduct and, by way of accepting the terms on Riparide, agree to abide by those behavioural obligations outlined for short-term rental accommodation participants.


Complaints and disputes

To help resolve disputes Riparide will notify the guest or the host of a complaint or dispute that relates to them as soon as possible, after we are made aware.

We encourage everyone to attempt to resolve the matter, in the first instance, by contacting the relevant party. This includes talking to the guest or host about your concerns about a possible breach of the Code or another law.

If you are unable to resolve your problem directly you can make a complaint to NSW Fair Trading.
Please note, behaviour by guests or hosts that breach the Code of Conduct could result in monetary fines and or being listed on the Exclusion Register, The Exclusion Register is a list of guests and hosts who have been excluded from participating in the short-rental accommodation industry for 5 years.
It's very important that customers and hosts make themselves aware of their obligations under the Code of Conduct.

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