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Preparation time setting

How to add one or two days preparation time for your bookings

Corina Best avatar
Written by Corina Best
Updated over a year ago

If you want to give your self some time in between bookings for preparation, you can use the Preparation Time setting.

To apply this setting to your listing:

  1. Go to My Listings, then Calendar

  2. go to Calendar Settings

  3. Scroll down to Booking Settings

  4. Set the Preparation Time setting to 1 or 2 days.

To disable this setting, follow the above instructions and set the Preparation Time to "No Preparation Time".

This will block out 1 or 2 days on either side of all bookings you receive. (Please note this will only apply to new bookings made after enabling this setting.)

If you would like to override the default preparation time for a particular booking, you can always manually unblock these dates in your calendar.

Please note, if you've synced your Riparide calendar with Airbnb or any other third party platform, the days blocked for preparation time will be synced over. For example, if you have a 2 night booking with 1 day preparation time either side, your Airbnb calendar will show 4 nights blocked by Riparide for that booking.

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